Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day

First of all, I can't believe it's already Sunday. Thanksgiving was four days ago. Time is flying by.

We had a good Turkey Day. Madeline, my master napper, who has missed maybe two naps in the last year, decided Thanksgiving would be a good day to not go down. I gave up after an hour and decided that that could kind of count as a rest, and hoped she would make it through the day without a major meltdown. She did really well. Thank goodness. It was easy for her, which makes me afraid that she might be getting ready to drop her nap altogether.

We went to Gma's at about 2:00. Mark, Kim, Jeff & Britt came from Arizona and Susie came from Chicago. It's always fun when everyone is here. Thor decided he wanted to try to make the turkey, so he researched different techniques and decided to brine it in a 5 gallon bucket overnight, do an herb rub under the skin and cook it upside down (It turned out really good and we pretty much demolished all 21 pounds of it). Not dry and lots of flavor. More power to him- I won't touch raw poultry. I'll barely touch it when it is cooked. Eeewwwww.

What's up turkey butt? hehehe!

We had most of the usual stuff- green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberry salad, ham, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs and more. We're never short on food, that's for sure. And, like usual, our desert spread was nearly as big as our dinner with cookies, pies, cupcakes, and fudge. Dang, I'm actually making myself hungry again.

The kids ran wild in the backyard playing princesses and bad guys while we ate. We figured that'd be less stressful than trying to get them to eat at the same time. Once we were done eating we got them rounded up and fed.

Granny's (oops, I mean Grammy's) a good rounder-upper...

After dinner, mom got the Wii out, and the kids (and grown ups) went to town. First on Mario Cart, then the sports games.

Mom was trying to teach Madeline how to do the ski jump, but all she could do was make snowballs (it's what happens when your Mii rolls all the way down the ramp, you turn yourself into a giant snowball).

There was a downside to the day. My 97 year old great-grandpa had to be put in the hospital, so my grandparents spent the day going back and forth between the house, the hospital and my great grandparents apartment to be with my great-grandma. It was not a relaxing day for them and we missed them when they were not there.

A note about my great-grandparents: them meeting Madeline is like me meeting Madeline's granddaughter's granddaughter. Almost incomprehensible...

1 comment:

Angela said...

I too brined our turkey this year! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving, other than your great grandpa getting sick. I am so sorry Jes. Hope he is doing better.