It's really not meant to teach them to swim, just to have fun in the water. She was very shy yesterday and just held on to me for dear life, but today she had more fun and did all of the exercises- still holding on to me for dear life. I think we may have a trust issue. She thinks I'm going to let her go under. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm super, super clumsy and have been accidental hurting her since she was born. When she first started talking she'd say sorry whenever she hurt herself because she was so used to me hurting her and telling her sorry.
Anyways, the class lasts a 1/2 hour for 8 days. I cheated and signed up at the Henderson rec center even though I don't live in Henderson because I figured it would be nice and new, and it is. I should have some pics of her actually in the water once someone else can join us and take the pictures.

She is such a cutie! Her hair is getting so long.
Girl, if I looked like you in a swim suit I'd be struttin' my look so good!
I am laughing about the sorry story.
oh she looks like she had a blast...and don't you just love the henderson rec center..?! we are gonnna miss that one so much... i am glad she had fun the second day...let us know how it goes :)
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